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Saturday, August 2, 2008

Back from the UK

Yet another top ten from my latest trip for work! This time was in Sheffield UK. What an incredibly beautiful place!

10. Flying in to Manchester on a half empty plane was SWEET!
9. There are sheep and cows all over the place
8. Tom Tom ain't so great (ALL the round abouts! I've never seen so many...not even in my other trips to the UK)
7. Even though our supplier's name was Doncasters, they weren't located in Doncaster...(AND I was the ONLY woman on the shop floor, I'm not even joking about that)
6. Pub food is still the way to go and the only choice in Sheffield (Most restaurants in the area you order from the bar and when you are seated, your food is ready...I kinda like this arrangement)
5. My traveling companions are HILARIOUS: Jim and Olivier "Stupid Tom Tom" ripping it out of the car jack and threatening to throw it out the window...."I stayed up late last night watching a movie on one of the three channels we have"
4. Cherry Coke tastes COMPLETELY's definitely a cough syrup flavor
3. I don't know what it is, but I still find the signs funny..."Humped Zebra Crossing", "Mind Your Head", "Sheep Crossing", etc.
2. The homes are a lot like cottages, or old time manor houses (our hotel was a renovated 11th Century Chapel, and a 16th century Manor house with stables...GORGEOUS!)
1. Even though it was nothing like London, it was an incredible place, more like what I picture England to be like with all the farm land and sheep, etc.

Thank you Doncasters for inviting us to come and help out! It was a great experience and I'm glad to have met you all!

Thanks Percy and Sarah!!

I've been tagged. This one is funny. (Thanks Percy & Sarah!)
1. My Rockstar Name (first pet, current car):"Friskey Jeep" LOL
2. My Gangsta Name (favorite ice cream flavor, favorite shoe):"Vanilla Vans" (hum...Vanilla Ice wanna be?)
3. My Native American Name (favorite color, favorite animal):"Silver Tiger"
4. My Soap Opera Name (middle name, city where you were born):"Fontana" (I will only have one name)
5. My Star Wars Name (first 3 letters of last name, first 2 of your first):"Scumi" (I'm not sure I like this one too much...Leia is just too good...I sound like intergalactic rubbish with this name...)
6. My Super Hero Name (second favorite color, favorite drink):"Blue Pina Colada" (That would be a Pina Colada without the alcohol of course)
7. My Nascar Name (first names of your grandfathers):"James Vernon" (that actually has a nice ring to it)
8. My Stripper Name (favorite perfume/cologne/scent, favorite candy):"Cool Water Caramelo"
9. My TV weather anchor name (5th grade teacher, city that begins with same letter): "HP Hamburg"
10. My Spy Name (favorite season/holiday, favorite flower):"Spring Plumeria" (this seems a little weak for a spy name...)
11. My cartoon name (favorite fruit, article of clothing you are wearing now):"Cherry Linen"
12. My Hippie Name (what you ate for breakfast, favorite tree):"British Biscuits Cherry Blossom" (wow now that's a name...)
Have fun with this one! Short and sweet